The pandemic hasn’t been easy on anyone, especially the Seniors. While the old age itself isn’t the reason for their greater vulnerability towards the virus, underlying health conditions developed with age put the older adults at a bigger risk of not only the infection, but a slower recovery after fighting it.
We, at ProTribe, have resolved to help the older population deal better with Post-COVID19 symptoms and devoted our time and resources to come up with a holistic wellbeing initiative for the same – our Post-COVID19 Recovery Program. After extensively studying the research done worldwide, and the available data, statistics, and treatment options, we have put in place a well-designed and robust process to help Seniors achieve optimal health, after fighting the infection.
Wellness Coach
Physician and Nurse
Speech Therapy
We cover all aspects of post-covid recovery so you can gain your strength back!
Health Monitoring
Continued medical monitoring for full symptom resolution with physician and nursing sessions.
Expert Consultation
Virtual consultation by a Wellness Coach to identify all physical, social and mental health needs.
In-person Care
Complete physical support and care through the Care Attendant program.
Mental Wellbeing
Maximize recovery and reduce any anxiety and social isolation from your illness.
Holistic Wellbeing
Help overcome the post-COVID symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath that can impact daily life.
The pandemic has put a lot of restrictions on movement outside the house, especially the older population facing the most of them. With such conditions, we didn’t want the efforts towards the seniors to be compromised in any way. To bridge this gap in senior care, we have put in place a Home Care Attendant Program to deliver seamless in-person reliable attendant support to seniors.
Here’s all the support you get:
Through our efforts, we resolve to address healthcare concerns from multiple domains of senior care:
Support goal setting and accountability
Empowerment for behavior change
Motivating physical activity
Supporting adoption of healthy eating habits
Connecting clients with similar goals
Providing meaningful group recreation and activities
Identify negative habits and lifestyle behaviors
Prevention strategies for reducing health risks
Identify negative habits and lifestyle behaviors
Prevention strategies for reducing health risks
With our experience, dedication, and support, we want to support as many seniors as we can!
While the fear-mongering bug of COVID-19 was a constant, it didn’t hit me until my mother was affected. It was a moment of reckoning that my parents are getting older and they needed constant support even after the signs of disease faded away. In times like these, GRSI became our saviour with their incredible service. Post COVID-19 recovery program enabled my mother to perform basic activities with utmost ease and she regained her healthy self again. GRSI made all the difference for me, and I’m forever grateful.
During hospitalization, I underwent severe weakness and body pain. After being discharged, I continued to feel lethargic and inactive throughout the day. Thanks to GRSI for bringing me back on track with their active ageing plan. A special mention to Mr. Ashish who patiently lent his ear to all my problems and helped me overcome my weakness. Highly recommend the Post COVID-19 Recovery program to all my Senior peers.
Schedule an appointment with Wellness Coach.